ATM Locations

ATMS are available at all Oconee Federal Savings & Loan locations.

AllpointAllpoint ATM Network

We are part of the Allpoint ATM network that offers 55,000 surcharge-free ATMs worldwide. ATMs are located at stores such as CVS, Walgreens, Kroger, Costco, Speedway and many others. Discover all the locations here!

Branch ATMs

Seneca Main Office
115 East North Second Street
Seneca, SC 29678


Seneca Branch
813 Bypass 123
Seneca, SC 29678


Walhalla Branch
204 West North Broad Street
Walhalla, SC 29691


Westminster Branch
111 West Windsor Street
Westminster, SC 29693


Clemson Branch
357 Old Greenville Hwy.
Clemson, SC 29631


Hartsville Branch
330 W. Carolina Ave.
Hartsville, SC 29550


Toccoa Branch
2859 Highway 17 Alternate
Toccoa, GA 30577


Clayton Branch
221 Highway 76 East
Clayton, GA 30525



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